The thyroid gland, located in your throat, plays a vital role in the development of the body by regulating hormones and maintaining a healthy metabolism. The thyroid gland regulates hormones and metabolism by releasing the proper amount of hormone into the bloodstream as the body needs it. When the thyroid gland is underactive or overactive it can affect how the body uses the energy it receives from food. If you struggle from thyroid issues, try these 9 powerful yoga asanas to improve your thyroid health and balance the hormones in the body.
1.Marjaryasana-Bitilasana: Cat-Cow
Step by Step:
- Start in a table-top position, on your hands and knees with a neutral spine . Your hands should be placed directly under your shoulders and your knees below your hips.
- As you inhale, arch your lower back, dropping your abdomen towards the floor. Retract your shoulder blades, letting your chest fall down and forwards, opening it to the front of you. Turn your chin up to the ceiling and let your gaze follow. All of these steps combined make Bitilasana or Cow Pose.
- As you exhale, tuck your chin into your chest, gazing at your abdomen. Tuck in your chest and ribs, making a hunch on your upper back. Tuck in your pelvis to make one long curve over your entire spine. These steps combined make Marjaryasana, or Cat Pose.
- Continue moving between these two poses for 10 rounds as you inhale and exhale.
Alternating between Cat and Cow stretches and compresses your front body and throat region, increasing blood flow to the area, and stimulating your thyroid gland to promote healthy hormone regulation.
2.Matsyasana: Fish Pose
Step by Step:
- Start by laying flat on your back in supine position.
- With elbows bent, place your forearms firmly onto the floor, palms facing down.
- Pressing your forearms firmly into the floor, raise your chest up towards the ceiling
- Roll the crown of your head backwards onto the floor, stretching your neck and your chin further away from your chest.
- Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.
Matsyasana, Fish Pose, stimulates your thyroid by stretching your neck and throat area. The stretch increases blood circulation to this area, balancing hormone production.
3.Sarvangasana: Shoulder Stand
Step by Step:
- Start by laying on your back in supine position.
- Keeping both legs straight, lift your legs and hips up off of the mat, placing your hands on your back and forearms on the mat to support your body.
- Raise your legs and hips up towards the ceiling, aiming to keep the legs, hips, and spine in one line.
- Hold the position for at least 10-20 seconds before releasing.
With the help of gravity, Sarvangasana will increase blood flow to your throat region. The increased blood flow will stimulate your thyroid gland, encouraging healthy hormone regulation.
4.Ustrasana: Camel Pose
Step by Step:
- Start by standing on your knees, knees hip width apart, hands on your hips to support your lower back.
- As you exhale, bend backwards, opening your chest and throat to the ceiling.
- You can stay here or drop your hands one by one to grab your heels or ankles.
- Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds before engaging your core to being your spine back into neutral position.
Camel Pose lengthens your front body, giving your throat, chest, and abdominal region a nice stretch. The intense stretch promotes blood flood to your thyroid gland and encourages healthy hormone production and a healthy metabolism.
5.Urdhva Dhanurasana : Wheel Pose
Step by Step:
- Start by laying on your back with knees bent and feet planted on the mat. Place your palms onto the mat beside your head, elbows bent and facing up towards the ceiling.
- Pressing on your hands and feet, lift your hips and chest off of the floor, creating an arch over your entire front body.
- Open your chest and neck to the front of the mat, shifting the majority of your weight to your hands.
- Hold the position for 10-20 seconds before lowering your body back onto the mat.
Wheel pose stretches the entire front body, increasing blood flow to your thyroid gland. Increased blood flow to your throat region encourages healthy hormone regulation and a healthy metabolism.
6.Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose
Step by Step:
- Start by laying flat on your stomach.
- Place your hands beside your chest and press the ground to lift up your chest forwards and upwards.
- Keeping legs straight, continue pressing your ankles or the tops of your feet into the ground.
- Keep your elbows slightly bent and clip them into the sides of your body.
- Keep your shoulders depressed away from your ears, lengthening your neck, and turning your chin up to the ceiling.
Cobra Pose stretches the entire front body, increasing blood flow to your thyroid gland and encouraging healthy hormone regulation.
7.Navasana: Boat Pose
Step by Step:
- Start in a seated position with your legs placed straight in front of you and your spine straight and tall.
- Engage your core and lean back slightly, lifting your legs up off of the mat to create a V shape with the body.
- You can keep the legs straight or bend the knees to make the pose slightly easier.
- Keep the core engaged, spine straight, chest open, and chin slightly raised while holding the posture.
- You can raise your arms up over your head, stretch them forward towards your legs, or place the palms on the mat for some extra support.
- Hold the posture for 10-20 seconds.
Navasava, Boat Pose, will work to strengthen the core and the entire front body. When the front body muscles engage it increases blood flow and stimulates the thyroid gland. Stimulating the thyroid gland will encourage healthy hormone regulation and help to balance metabolism.
8.Sirsasana: Headstand
Step by Step:
- Start by placing your forearms firmly on the mat, interlacing your fingers together, elbows in line with your shoulders.
- Place the crown of your head on the mat, cradling the back of your head with your hands.
- Coming into a forearm plank pose with your head still on the mat, keep your arms and shoulder muscles engaged while walking your feet closer to your head. Keep walking until your hips, spine, and head are in one line. (The weight should be primarily on your arms and should not fall onto your head).
- From here, engage your core to crunch one leg towards your abdomen. Find the balance, then crunch the other leg into your abdomen, letting the entirety of your weight fall onto your arms, balancing upside down.
- Once you feel comfortable here, you can slowly straighten the legs up towards the ceiling, creating a straight line from your toes all the way to your head.
- Hold this position for at least 10 seconds. Slowly work towards increasing the amount of time you can balance in the posture.
Sirsana, Headstand, uses the force of gravity to increase blood flow towards your chest, throat, and brain. The increased blood flow stimulates your thyroid gland, improving thyroid function, and encouraging healthy hormone production.
9.Savasana: Corpse Pose
Step by Step:
- Lay flat on your back in supine position.
- Turn your palms up to the ceiling resting arms on the floor, slightly away from your body.
- Let your thighs turn out slightly, externally rotating from your hip joint.
- Let all of your muscles relax, releasing any tension in the body and lying completely still, mimicking a corpse.
- Stay in this position for 5-10 minutes, giving the body ample time to relax.
Savasana may seem like a simple pose, but it is one that carries many benefits. The pose lowers blood pressure, calms the nervous system, and reduces thyroid symptoms such as anxiety and fatigue. Performing Savasana regularly will encourage relaxation in the body and improve thyroid health.