8 Yoga Poses for Better Digestion

8 Yoga Poses for Better Digestion

When your digestion is sluggish, the feeling can spread to the rest of your body and affect your mood. Next time you want to give your digestive system a boost, try out these 8 yoga postures and watch your body come back to life. 1.Marjaryasana-Bitilasana: Cat-Cow Step by Step: Start in a table-top position, on your hands and knees with a neutral spine . Your hands should be placed directly under your shoulders and your knees below your hips. As you inhale, arch your lower back, dropping your abdomen towards the floor. Retract your shoulder blades, letting your chest fall down and forwards, opening it to the front of you. Turn your chin up to the ceiling and let your gaze follow. All of these steps combined make Bitilasana or…
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9 Effective Asanas for Thyroid Issues

9 Effective Asanas for Thyroid Issues

The thyroid gland, located in your throat, plays a vital role in the development of the body by regulating hormones and maintaining a healthy metabolism. The thyroid gland regulates hormones and metabolism by releasing the proper amount of hormone into the bloodstream as the body needs it. When the thyroid gland is underactive or overactive it can affect how the body uses the energy it receives from food. If you struggle from thyroid issues, try these 9 powerful yoga asanas to improve your thyroid health and balance the hormones in the body. 1.Marjaryasana-Bitilasana: Cat-Cow Step by Step: Start in a table-top position, on your hands and knees with a neutral spine . Your hands should be placed directly under your shoulders and your knees below your hips. As you inhale,…
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What is Yoga Anatomy – A Guide to Safe Yoga Practices

What is Yoga Anatomy – A Guide to Safe Yoga Practices

What is yoga anatomy Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body. It covers the study of bones, joints, muscles, and internal organs. Yoga anatomy uses the knowledge of how the body is structured to further explain how the body works while performing various asanas and other movements. Understanding anatomical concepts, such as how joints and muscles work in relation to one another, will help a yoga practitioner deepen their mindfulness during their practice. With anatomical mindfulness, we can better understand alignment, weaknesses, strengths, and imbalances in our body. Why is yoga anatomy important? Learning yoga anatomy is important in order to maintain safety in your practice. Developing an understanding of yoga anatomy will help prevent injuries and facilitate the healing process for existing injuries. Taking the…
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Chandra Bhedna Pranayama (Left nostril breathing) – How to Do It, Benefits & Precautions?

Chandra Bhedna Pranayama (Left nostril breathing) – How to Do It, Benefits & Precautions?

Chandra bhedana pranayama is a cooling breathing technique in which the breath is inhaled through the left nostril and exhaled through the right nostril. This pranayama is believed to balance the body's energies and calm the mind. The left nostril is associated with the cooling effect, lunar energy (idā nāḍī) and the right nostril with the heating effect, solar energy (piṅgala nāḍī) according to yogic tradition. This practice is recommended for those who are experiencing anxiety, stress, or excess heat in the body. It is important to note that this practice should be learned under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher. According to yoga philosophy, the human body is said to contain three main energy channels, or nadis: ida, pingala, and sushumna. Ida nadi is associated with the lunar…
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Camel Pose (Ustrasana) : How to Do IT, Benefits & Precautions

The Camel Pose, also known as Ustrasana in Sanskrit, is a powerful backbend that involves kneeling on the floor and reaching back to grasp the ankles or feet while arching the back and extending the chest forward. This yoga asana is considered a heart opener, as it opens up the chest and expands the rib cage, helping to release tension and improve breathing.Mentally, the Camel Pose can help to release stress and anxiety, as well as boost self-confidence and self-esteem. It is said to bring a sense of peace and calm to the mind and can also help to improve focus and concentration. It is important to practice the Camel Pose with caution and under the guidance of a qualified instructor, especially if you have any neck or back issues.…
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Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) : How to Do IT, Benefits & Precautions

Bridge Pose, also known as Setu Bandha Sarvangsana in Sanskrit, is a yoga pose that involves lifting the hips and chest off the ground while lying on your back. It is a backbend that helps to strengthen the back muscles, stretch the chest and neck, and improve overall posture.This pose is often associated with the concept of the heart chakra, Anahata, which is located in the center of the chest and associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. In Bridge Pose, the chest is expanded and lifted, allowing the heart to be more open and receptive.This pose can also represent the bridge between the physical and spiritual aspects of the self. By grounding down through the feet and lifting up through the heart, we connect the body and the mind,…
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Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana) : How to Do It, Benefits & Precautions

Are you looking to master the sphinx pose, otherwise known as Salamba Bhujangasana? Read on to get more information on this posture, along with its numerous benefits, and precautions and how it can help improve your overall health and well-being.Introduction to Sphinx PoseThe sphinx pose is a hatha yoga posture that is often used to relieve back pain. The name comes from the Greek mythological creature, which has the head of a human and the body of a lion. This posture resembles the creature with its raised head and chest.This Sphinx pose can be beneficial for people who suffer from back pain because it helps to lengthen and stretch the spine. It can also help to improve posture and alleviate stress. If you are new to yoga, or if you…
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Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): How to Do It, Benefits & Precautions

Bhujangasana is a back-bending posture that resembles the cobra with a raised head. This is a posture that is used multiple times in the Surya Namaskar series. It is back bending that helps the heart to open up and face the world. This posture makes one bold, as they are stimulating to expand the heart and encourage inhalation along with embracing life.How to do Cobra Pose?Lie flat on the abdomen in a pronated positionPlace palms beside the chestStabilise the lower back by tucking the tailbone down and engaging the coreWith an inhale, looking at naval life the chest forward and up till the belly comes off the floorMake sure the hips are still on the matIn the end lift the head looking straight at the nose (Nasagrai Drishti)Move the shoulder…
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Yoga for Back Pain: 5 Yoga Poses for Back Pain Relief Quickly

Back pain is becoming very common these days for which most people seek medical help. It can range from a dull constant ache to sudden sharp pain or just a pinching sensation from the lower back going all the way down to the legs.What are the common causes of back pain? Physically unfit: To get proper spinal stability, it is important to have good core strength and flexibility. The core refers to all the muscles around the torso that includes the abdominal muscle, lower back, upper back muscles etc. All of these can be activated by regularly doing some kind of physical practice and Yoga is something that focuses on building both strength and flexibility of these muscle groups thereby improving the safe range of motion of this joint.Weight Gain: Our…
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Why Yoga in Bali?- Best Place To Learn Yoga in Bali

Namaste Yogi, are you ready to find out the best places to learn yoga in Bali?Bali, The Island of the Gods, where a most magical experience awaits your arrival, and yoga in Bali is what is going to open the inner doors to experience.The breathtaking scenery, magnificent mountains, sandy beaches, and lush vegetation is the best place to learn yoga, created by divine intervention. That being said, let us find out what makes Bali tick for yoga.Yoga in Bali comes in a wide variety of stylesDifferent yoga styles are accessories of your inner soul. Some days you feel like ashtanga and some are made for Yin Yoga. Yoga in Bali brings it all to the table, here are the different styles of yoga in Bali:Acro yogaAcroyoga is a mix of…
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