Yog Nidra: How to Do It & Benefits

A full day of work and a busy schedule brings loads of stress and exhaustion. It definitely needs deep relaxation. We all deal with two types of stress, i.e. physical stress and mental stress. Don't take fatigue as an easy problem, it's not as easy as it shows. As per The National Safety Council's Fatigue Reports, 13% of workplace injuries are caused by fatigue. It is undoubtedly a dangerous byproduct of a disturbed schedule. It is much important to manage it. Let me tell you, How?But firstly, can you all answer a question? What measures do you take to get away from unnecessary stress and fatigue? 90% of people say by taking a deep sleep or a short nap. Yes, there is no doubt that sleeping or napping will reduce…
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Yoga for Coping with Depression

Depression and anxiety affect millions of people around the world. They're not just sadness, they are often debilitating physical, mental, and emotional changes that can negatively impact people's day-to-day lives. While there are many different treatment options for depression and anxiety, there are numerous ways that yoga can help you recover from them.To help our community heal from depression and anxiety, we've put together a list of the 5 best ways to recover from depression using yoga. You'll learn the most powerful ways our bodies achieve balance and find true wellness through this guided meditation, deep breathing, and stretching routine.Open up the blockages with yoga posesAsana practice helps begin the process of becoming more comfortable in your body, one of the most important prerequisites for calming your nervous system and…
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Yoga Poses for Lower Back Strength

This blog is dedicated to the most missed body part in yoga, lower back strength. Now you might be saying-Why is it the most skipped part? We all do backbend yoga asana, yes we do but we mostly do them to increase the flexibility of the lower back and pay attention to the mechanics of back bending and apply the most missed techniques to strengthen the back.Millions of men and women become the victims of back pain and as we grow old, the situation will continue to worsen and even for the people who are practicing backbend yoga postures, because the spine holds the body together, and only bending it backward won’t cut it.Back pain can be one of the most debilitating types of pain and you are probably reading…
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Meditation Retreat in Bali-find Life Underneath Life Situations

Knowingly or unknowingly the whole world has learned to trust their intellect and mostly rely on information and technology to function in their everyday life. This has surely made us smart and efficient but at the same time, it is also diminishing the power of intuition. We don’t trust our feelings, we have stopped listening to our bodies. So many of us keep working without giving rest to our brains. Have any queries related meditation retreat in Bali? Contact Us 5 CORE REASONS WHY YOU NEED TO TAKE A BREAK IN BALI 1) Become Truly Aware of Your Breathing As Thich Nhat Hanht Said in his book How to Relax- “Your breathing is where you can take refuge. No matter what thoughts, emotions, and perceptions are going on inside you,…
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Chakrasana : How to Do It, Steps, Benefits & Precautions

Namastey Yogis, so you are here to learn more about chakrasana, that’s great. Out of many yoga postures this is one of the most fascinating back bending posture and it’s also a strenuous one. At Bali Yoga Ashram, we have guided and trained so many aspiring yogi’s to do this posture. We are trying to do the same with this blog, so we hope you are ready to learn about all the do’s and don'ts of chakrasana.What is Chakrasana?The name of this asana is quite self explanatory. The word chakra means wheel in english and asana means posture. Hence, the name of the asana is wheel pose in english. It is essentially considered as back bending asana and requires a flexible spine. However, it will be a mistake to think…
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Ujjayi Pranayama: How to Do and Its Benefits

Ujjayi Pranayama is also known as the “Breath of victory”. Jaya means victory and success or “to conquer”, Ujjayi means “One who is victorious”. Another reason why this is called the breath of victory is the expansion in the belly and chest during this type of breathing boosts one’s confidence level and at a deeper level, ujjayi breathing is about achieving freedom from bondage. In Ashtanga practice, ujjayi breathing is followed in every posture that we hold. The smoother the breath, the better the posture, so it definitely plays a very important role in gaining the confidence to go deeper into any asana. Ujjayi breathing is one of the many pranayama practises that help to gain control of your breath and the respiratory system. This breathing is also called "the…
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Why Yoga in Bali?

Bali, a beautiful paradise where you see a perfect combination of rice fields, mountains, and an endless ocean. It is also very well known for the centuries-old temples with beautiful architecture right in the lap of nature. This combination of spiritual experience along with the breathtaking landscapes makes it a great place to refresh and rejuvenate the mind, body and soulBali is a key tourist destination that attracts people from all over the world irrespective of whether they do Yoga or not. It is a place where tourists find a well-balanced combination of peace, calmness, spirituality, adventure and entertainment. It is also well known as “The Island of Gods”, as performing Yoga here takes you to the state of mind where you feel absolute bliss.Bali is also one of the…
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Pranayama to Improve Immune System

Breath is the most important aspect of our life. We came into this beautiful world by taking our first breath and we are going to leave this world one day by taking our last breath. Between these two our life exists. Breath is something that happens involuntarily as per the process of our respiratory system. However, we can choose to control our breath and bring the respiratory rate back to normal by practicing pranayama. As per Yogic text, the length of life is determined by the number of breaths. The lesser number of breaths, the longer the life and vice versa.In our daily life, we have forgotten how to breathe. As this is an involuntary process, we have taken it for granted by breathing shallow most of the days. Anatomically…
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Yoga Asanas During Menstruation

Should I do Yoga or any other physical activity during menstruation? Well, this is a very common question that every female has as it is a phase in the month where a woman is going through a lot in her body relating to the reproductive system and hormones. The answer to this question cannot be generalized to all as it depends on how someone’s body is coping with menstruation. Few of them have a very heavy flow and severe cramps and so should avoid any kind of physical activities and try to rest it out. But others who are okay to do slight movement should indulge in activities that can make them busy and distracted from any kind of discomfort created during this period like going for a walk or…
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Kapalbhati : How to do It, Steps, Benefits & Precautions

What is Kapal Bhati? Kapalbhati is a shatkarma or one of the shat kriyas used to cleanse ourselves from within. Kapalbhati is translated as “Kapal” which means “Skull” and “Bhati” which means “Shine”. It is a rapid exhalation process that cures many diseases, helps to detoxify the body and cleanses internally.  Regular practice of this breathwork maintains the proper working of body organs. It is said that this practice focuses on the mind and brings a shine on the face.This particular kriya requires a lot of energy as it generates a lot of body heat and thereby helps in dissolving the waste and toxins from the body. If you are someone suffering from insomnia or restless sleep patterns, this benefits a lot as it helps in giving you a sense…
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